Requirement & Procedure
All applicants must have previous judging experience. By applying for a Pinto judge’s card, the applicant is indicating they are capable of judging PtHA® shows. All PtHA® judge applicants who pass the phase of the application process, must attend the Color Breed Council Judging Academy prior to the applicant testing session and International Equine Judge’s Seminar, managed by the Color Breed Council, Inc. for final evaluation. The International Equine Judge’s Seminar is not a judge training school; however, it is a judge evaluation session. If you do not meet the criteria to apply for a PtHA® card, information is available from the PtHA® business office regarding ways to obtain the experience necessary to apply for a PtHA® card in the future. Once obtaining a PtHA® Judges card, the new judge will be required to attend the CBC session the following year.
The PtHA® application deadline is June 1 of each year. Applications are available on the PtHA® Forms and Resources page. All references, fees, photo and application must be received by this date. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.