Current standings will be posted as show points are entered. Check back often to see where your Pinto stacks up!
PtHA® offers recognition for members who participate in showing their Pinto through out the year. PtHA® presents awards for lifetime and yearly achievements. Members receive their awards at the annual PtHA® Convention held in March of each year.
Awards include items from Tioga Territory, Gist Silversmiths Buckles, PtHA® Trophies, Perri's Leather, Circle L Saddlery & Shorty's Caboy Hattery.
The award will be calculated by ROM points earned at PtHA® approved shows from Jan.1 - Dec. 31. The award will be given to the highest point earner in three divisions of each Registry: Youth 18 & Under, Amateur 19 & Over and Open Pinto. For the youth and amateur division, the award will be calculated for units only. A unit is defined by the PtHA® rulebook as one youth/one Pinto or one amateur/one Pinto. Ties within a division will be broken as follows: the first tie will be awarded to the unit that earned points in the greatest number of PtHA approved local shows, the second tie will be awarded to the unit that earned points in the greatest number of PtHA ROM-pointed classes, subsequent ties will be awarded to the unit with the most first place point-earning wins, second place point-earning wins, etc.
- Exhibitor must be a member in good standing with PtHA.
- The Pinto must be registered in one of PtHA's three registries.
The following will not count toward the Registry High Point awards:
- Points earned at the Pinto World Championship® Show.
- Points earned from the AVERAGE card at a Jubilee show or Color Breed Congress® Show.
- Points earned from a Novice, Walk/Trot, costume, leadline, produce of dam, get of sire, grand and reserve halter class or any other non-point earning class.
The Award:
- Awards will be given in each division of each registry.
- Awards are not redeemable for cash. Forfeited prizes will become property of PtHA®.
LEGEND for Overall High Point Lists
CL – Class of Equine
Ho – Horse
Po – Pony
Mi – Miniature A
M+ - Miniature B
Color Registry High Point Awards-Tobiano & Overo (Open, Amateur & Youth Divisions, excluding Mini, B Mini and Pony)
1st Place: Circe L Saddle & Gist Silversmiths Buckle
2nd Place: 50X Shorty’s Hattery Certificate
3rd Place: Perri’s Leather Halter
4th Place: Show Headstall
5th Place: Kensington Protective Products Customized Blanket Bag
Solid Registry High Point Awards (Open, Amateur & Youth Divisions, excluding Mini, B Mini and Pony)
1st Place: Circe L Saddle & Gist Silversmiths Buckle
2nd Place: 50X Shorty’s Hattery Certificate
3rd Place: Perri’s Leather Halter
4th Place: Show Headstall
5th Place: Kensington Protective Products Customized Blanket Bag
Miniature, B Miniature & Pony High Point Awards (Open, Amateur & Youth Divisions)
All color and solid Mini, B Mini and Pony will be combined for these awards.
1st Place: Herron’s Basic Show Harness and Gist Silversmiths Buckle
2nd Place: Customized Cart Cover
3rd Place: Herron's Show Halter
4th Place: Kensington customized Harness Bag
5th Place: Kensington customized Halter Bag
Long Ear Registry High Point Awards (Open, Amateur & Youth Divisions)
All sizes (Mini and Ridden Long Ear) will be combined for this award.
1st Place: Tioga Territory Jacket Certificate
Novice High Point Awards (Amateur & Youth Divisions, includes Color and Solid Registries Combined)
1st Place: Gist Silversmiths Belt Buckle
2nd Place: Tioga Territory Jacket Certificate
Walk/Trot High Point Awards (Amateur & Youth Divisions, all ages, includes Color and Solid Registries Combined)
1st Place: Gist Silversmiths Belt Buckle
2nd Place: Tioga Territory Jacket Certificate
The top 10 Pintos at the end of each show year in approved Open, Amateur and Youth events will be recognized. Points are computed on a yearly calendar basis from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.
The first place Pinto is given the title Pinto of the Year in Open, Youth and Amateur Categories. First place Pintos are mailed a certificate and are eligible to have their photo published in the Pinto Horse® Magazine for their achievement. A minimum of 8 points must have been earned toward the award with a minimum of 3 competing equines in the category in order to receive the title of Pinto of the Year.
The next nine Pintos will be designated as Honorable Mention, and they will be published in the Pinto Horse® Magazine.
One High Point and one Reserve High Point winner will be determined from each age division in the Amateur and Youth categories following the Pinto of the Year rules. Each High Point winner will receive a Certificate for a High Point Jacket from Tioga Territory. Each Reserve High Point winner will receive a Certificate for a High Point Vest from Tioga Territory.
1st through 5th of each zone in each age & classification division will receive a medallion. These will be awarded at each annual PtHA Convention. To qualify for these awards, the unit (Pinto/Exhibitor) must have earned eight (8) or more points in their zone during the show year.
The age divisions are Youth Junior, Youth Senior, Amateur Junior, Amateur Senior, & Amateur Elite.
The classification divisions are Horse/Long Ear/Utility & Mini/Pony/Mini Long Ear. Both Color Registry & Solid Registry are combined for these divisions.
PtHA® presents an annual award to the top 10 units in each of the Youth and Amateur age groups.
Units consist of one horse and one exhibitor. All PtHA® Youth and Amateurs in good standing are eligible. Novice Amateur and Novice Youth classes are not eligible for this award. A contestant may exhibit more than one horse, however, the points will be computed separately.
A maximum of 20 judges will be used to compute the total points per unit. Each judge is counted as one show. A judge can only appear on the list one time. Points are computed on an annual show year basis. Average scores will not count. Only individual judge scores will count. Register of Merit points are used. Show points are not used. If a tie occurs, World Show tie-breaker logic will be used to break the tie. If two units are tied for the same Amateur or same Youth unit, the earliest show date will break the tie.
A certificate will be mailed and results will be published in the Pinto Horse Magazine.